The last day of Seaton Market 1966The last day of Seaton Market in Hampstead Road near Euston 80yo Harry Gibber had traded there for 52 years
Leadenhall Market turkeys, 1927A selection of turkeys hanging outside a shop in Leadenhall Market, London, 1927
Surrey Street market Croydon, 1938
Leather Lane Market 1953Leather Lane Market in Holborn, London 1953
Norwich Market place 1936 Shows Chamberlins Department store, Spalls, Dean and Palmers, Willberys, Corner Tea House
Market place Kingston Upon ThamesView of Kingston, Surrey, showing the market place with Parish church in background 1938 Boots the Chemist, Pettits, Dorothy Perkins and the Druids Head Hotel
Covent Garden Flower Market 1972Covent Garden Flower Market in London 1972
Glasgow Fish Market, 1949Glasgow Fish Market, the Briggait 1949
Upper Gardner Street market in Brighton 1950Upper Gardner Street market in Brighton, Sussex 1950
Leadenhall Market 1957
Spitalfields Market, London 1936
Billingsgate market reopensBillingsgate market, London, 1939