Painting the Forth BridgeWorkmen painting the Forth Rail Bridge in Scotland, 1931
Typing poolWomen at typewriters in an office, 1934
Furnace worker at James Mills Ltd steelworks Bredbury near Stockport, 1957
Spanish mime artist Alberto Vidal appearing at London Zoo with an elephant
Brighton rock factoryBrighton Rock being produced at Maynards Ltd in Hove by employee Rosemary Stone 1967
Rock making at Maynards sweet factory at Hove, Sussex 1967
The Portobello Potteries of A. W. Buchan & CoThe Portobello Potteries of A.W. Buchan & Co. A woman making mugs1949
Frys Cocoa and Chocolate worksThe packing dept at Frys Cocoa and Chocolate works, Bristol 1930
Mansfield and Sons shoe and boot factoryWorkers go back to work after lunch Mansfield and Sons shoe and boot factory, Northampton 1931
Workers at Frys Cocoa and Chocolate Works in Bristol 1930
Women sewing army uniforms 1939
At the Royal Ordnance factory 1939At the Royal Ordnance factory - Assembling the moulds
Lancashire Cotton Mill 1962
Woman in a Cotton MillWoman in a Lancashire Cotton Mill 1962
A women worker at a cotton factory 1957
A demonstration of cotton spinning 1949
Giant coffee millCoffee being ground in a mill below St Pancras station All the coffee which was served in British railways buffets was blended there 1966
Women at work in the Ferranti Radio works at Moston, Manchester 1935